Pemberton – Northcliffe
The next morning, as the rain poured down, we opted to postpone leaving town and grabbed a coffee and bacon and egg roll from Cafe Brasil. Once again, we accidentally ran into the guys riding the Munda Biddi that we had seen in Dwellingup and Donnelly River! When we could delay no longer, we continued in the rain towards Northcliffe through more forest. Recent storms and heavy rainfall over winter meant there were plenty of fallen trees covering the path, making for slower walking.
The next morning, we awoke to a colourful sunrise over the glassy lake at Schafer Hut. We were shivering from the cold as we watched the mist hovering above the lake. We arrived in Northcliffe around 10am, missing the start of the Delirious West 200 mile ultra marathon by a few hours. Resupply at the general store was expensive and offered a standard range of options. As we charged our electronics, we savoured some hot chips and coffee at the Hollow Butt Cafe. We enjoyed chatting to a fellow hiker who informed us that she was thinking of buying a yurt and living off the grid!